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All About: Cassandra Lilith

A couple of weeks ago, I put up a post where I talked a bit about the novel I am currently working on, called Life After Death, you can find the post here. In that post I mentioned how I am going to make a post focusing on the my protagonist Cassandra. So here is it.

Cassandra Lilith is the middle child, with an older sister, Emilia and a younger sister Maria. May have gotten them mixed up there. Anyways, when she was young her father was attacked at the edge of the woods at the back of there yard, after that her mother raised the three of them, with a watchful eye.

When Cassandra was twelve she was dared at a party to go into the woods and brings something back to prove she did. Unfortunately for her, she encountered a werewolf, who attacked and nearly kills her. She walks away vengeful-and with scars covering her body.

Four years later, Cassandra goes mostly by Cass, and is about to be thrown head first into a series of events that messes with what she has had put in her head for years, and the truth.

There is plenty that I probably could tell, but wouldn't that be just be spoiling the whole storyline? Kendra is out, peace!

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