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Beginning of the Year Book Haul

With Christmas recently passed and boxing day sales, it is time to go through the books and haul them. There are five books, one poetry book and three comics. So let's get into the books.

The first big book I got for Christmas was Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare. This was one of the books I got from my parents, and we are just going to do all of them first.

The second book from my parents was Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa, which is a Japanese inspired fantasy.

I got Archenemies by Marissa Meyer, I got the first book for Christmas last year, so it has become a thing.

The last book I got from my parents is not really a book but a comic, Justice League Volume 7: Justice Lost. I have been collect this series and I am happy to have the latest one.

My sister gave me Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan, another Asian inspired fantasy that I have been meaning to read.

The final Christmas gifts I will be mention were from my best friend, and she gave be Super Sons Volume 1: When I Grow Up... and Volume 2: Planet of the Capes.

I am very grateful for all the books I got for Christmas, and I did thank the people as I was opening the gifts.

Now, for the books I bought in store. The books are Wildcard by Marie Lu and Lifelike by Jay Kristoff.

And the last thing, would be the poetry book I purchased. If you know me, you'll know I don't really enjoy poetry. However I really like Olivia Gatwood's performances so I bought her book New American Best Friend.

So there are the books I retrieved lately. I hope you enjoyed this posts and I have new ones up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on others days. And with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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