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All About: Life After Death

So, I had this post somewhat like this planned out for the 13 of January, which didn't go as planned. So with that I am going to give you the low down of the novel I have been working on for so long.

The main character is Cassandra Lilith, who was attacked when she was twelve by a werewolf, being ripped out of her everyday life.

The story picks up, when Cass is turning sixteen, and she is a full-fledged werewolf hunter, which is pretty bad ass. And pretty much, things go down hill pretty fast, when she discovers the truth behind her attack four years before.

I have to say, I am thinking about doing a blog post starring Cass, where I an going to go more in detail of who she is and more about her as a character. Anyways, I came up with this story in November of 2015, halfway through NaNoWriMo and I finished it the 31 of December.

I am now editing it, and I am having a hard time, not wanting to cry. but you know, writing is a trade for those who can handle their self confidence being dragged through the mud.

There isn't really anything I need to tell, since I don't want to give anything away. Kendra is out, peace!

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