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The Hopeful Book Tag

So, the world and life in general has kind of a mess of a place and with that I thought it would be cool to do this tag. The original tag is linked here. And with that, let's get into the tag.

1. A book world you would like to escape to.

I would say the Shadowhunter world even though I would probably die, but it is all for the adventure.

2. A romance that left you all mushy inside.

The relationship in Of Fire and Stars, was one of my favourite fantasy romances and I am pretty sure the first f/f fantasy romance I have read.

3. A friendship we should all aspire to have.

One of my favourite book friendships are between Safi and Iseult in Truthwitch. Because they are honest such good friends.

4. Intermission! Insert the cutest picture of your pet or the cutest animal picture you can find.

Look at my dog sleeping. He is so cute.

5. A character in a leadership role that inspires you.

In a twisted way Victor from Vicious. For the fact that he is determined to complete his goals no matter what, not in the killing way.

6. Recommend three (3) books that fill you with hope.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas

Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro

Eliza and her Monsters by Francesca Zappia

7. (Optional) Tag people.

Who ever wants to do this tag, go do it. Spread some hope.

And with that I hope you enjoyed this tag or at the very least, the picture of my dog. I have new post up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that Kendra is out, peace!

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