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Top 5 Wednesday: 2017 Debuts You're Excited For

With my new blog, I have some new things I am going to having on here. The first thing is the Goodreads ran Top 5 Wednesday. This is a weekly list of five bookish concepts, very similar to the top ten Tuesday or whatever. This week is 2017 debuts, and with this I have to do some research since I don't actually know what books are coming out by debut authors are coming out.

#1: A List of Cages by Robin Roe, which come out yesterday actually, the 10 of January. A couple of the book tubers that I watch, have read this book and enjoyed it. And I am interested from reading just the description on Goodreads.

#2: Caraval by Stephanie Garber, coming out on January 31. After reading the description off of Goodreads, the book seems to have a carnival element, reminding me of the Night Circus. With magic, love and the danger that seems unnoticed from being on the outside, it has to be completely my crap.

#3: The Beast is An Animal by Peternelle van Arsdale, coming out March 7. According to Goodreads, this book has a very dark fantasy world. We have twins who are actually soul eaters, and what makes it more intriguing, the summary mentions how they are even like how they are.

#4: The Black Witch by Laurie Forest, coming out on May 2. The main character in this one is the granddaughter of the Black Witch and without the powers. Which is pretty awesome I do have to say, though there does seem to be a possibility of there being more to it just being that.

#5: Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody, which is coming out on July 25. This book is right on my path. Our main character can create illusions, very powerful illusions that are very lifelike. Until they are slowly getting killed out, which, brings fear into her, how can you kill what isn't real?

There it is, I have to say, these are pretty solid books, even though the one I have to say I am the most excited for, is Daughter of the Burning City, which I have to say, really is up my alley. Kendra is out.

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