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2018 Reflections

Dear 2018,

I suppose this is technically not a discussion posts. But to me, I am discussing the year, well my year as least. 2018, was a had year, but there was some good things that come out of it.

The ski season come and went without any injury. I enjoy when that happens. The winter was long, but it was nice during the days when I just wanted to be under blankets doing nothing.

The end of April was spent in Montreal, and I loved it there. I had by soul crushed while watching Infinity War in IMax. I loved seeing the building and architecture and thinking how much I would love to live there. celebrating my seventeenth birthday in Montreal was one of my favourite experiences.

I got hardcore into journaling, a habit I have developed this year from responding to prompts daily to writing about my day. It become an outlet for me.

I also got into witchcraft, and starting learning Tarot, among other things. I purchase my first Tarot deck, and a bag to place them in.

I got a job and worked retail briefly, before being let go. I learned that it is okay and it doesn't mean anything against me. I learned how awful people are to workers.

I started my last year of high school. I got my grad photos done, and started to look into universities and scholarships.

I read 116 books, with 40953 words across. The last book I read was one of my favourite books I read this year.

The rewrite of Life After Death was also started this year. It will hopefully be completed in 2019.

Among the big things, small changes have happened. My furniture in my room was moved around. Supernatural season 14 started. I started collecting comics.

Thank you 2018, for the lessons learned.


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