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Discussion: Fandoms

So like I feel like fandoms are getting to the point of it being constantly who is more of a fan, and way your fandom is the best thing ever to happen in the universe.

For example, when the TV show Shadowhunters was cancelled, Cassandra Clare retweeted a tweet regarding it. However fans of the show went and attacked her saying that she is against the show. In the flip side Rick Riordan is constantly talking crap about the movies based on his books and people just encourage him. How is it that when Cassandra Clare just retweets a tweet allowing her followers to know about the cancellation, they freak out and talking about how she hates it, without having no proof of it.

That's on one side of the fandoms. I would also like to point that yeah the book fans did have parts in the fights, however the TV fans are not innocent in any of the scenarios and I feel as though that needs to be addressed.

Now onto the big topic, I wish to talk about, Sarah J. Maas fans. When it come up how she is just now making a character a person of colour without it being so when the character was first introduced, people were obviously upset, however the fans were determined to keep the position that Sarah J. Maas did nothing wrong. However, looking back, the books were very white and very straight.

The big thing is, that when people of colour brought up how the suddenness of race being changed hurts them, the extreme fans almost dismissed them and there feelings.

I don't know, I really like fandoms need to relax and see things from others point of view. Now, with that I am going to be off, I have new post up on Tuesdays for the month of November, and with that Kendra is out, peace!

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