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Halloween Book Tag

So, Halloween is tomorrow and I am kind of excited about that. I have no idea what I am going to be doing, since I am not going out. Probably will watch some Netflix and do homework. And with that let's get into the tag.

1) Favorite scary, must-read for Halloween?

The Call by Peadar Ó Guilín, since it is such a creepy young adult novel.

2) Scariest book cover, like ever?

I don't really have one that I would say is the scariest ever. I don't think I have one.

3) If you could go trick-or-treating with any author, who would you pick?

Probably Victoria Schwab. I feel like she would really enjoy the whole Halloween season.

4) If you could dress up as any bookish character for Halloween, who would you be?

Emma from Lady Midnight, Annabeth Chase, other blonde characters that I am blanking on.

5) If you could find anything (from any book) in your trick-or-treat stash, what would you hope to find?

I am going to have to say chocolate frogs, and spoiler alert you are going to see them for a lot of the answers.

6) In what fictional world would you like to go trick-or-treating?

Harry Potter so I can get me some chocolate frogs.

7) What book villain would you not like to meet alone in a dark alley on Halloween?

For the most part I wouldn't want to meet any villains because I know I would not survive the encounter.

8.) Would you rather dress up as a vampire, zombie, werewolf, or shadowhunter?

Either vampire of shadowhunter. I actually have dressed up as a vampire a crap ton in my lifetime so it has to be a choice.

9) Pick a candy (just one) from Harry Potter that you would love to find in your stash?

Chocolate frogs. They seem to be the more normal flavour wise.

10) What is your favourite Halloween candy?

Anything chocolate. I am actually not much of a candy person so chocolate is my thing.

So there is the tag, I hope you enjoyed this post. I have new posts up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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