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Vengeful Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Vengeful Author: V.E. Schwab

Published On: September 25, 2018

Started Reading On: September 21, 2018 Finished On: September 26, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.57 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This book was a roller-coaster ride. I am so happy that past Kendra preorder this book, because I never been happy to receive a book in the mail, especially since it arrived, a little before release date.

I really liked how this book took place five years later. Considering that the first book was release about five years before, I didn't read it five years ago, just saying, I would actually be concern if I was allowed to. I also really enjoyed seeing Eli's backstory. Since you didn't really know much about him so he seemed just like a straight up asshole without reason.

Schwab, while writing this book, talked about getting the readings to like Eli. And I have to say, I don't love Eli, but I do respect him and understand him more. I also really liked seeing what is going on with him, while being in captive/jail. It was cool seeing him being used as a resource, not from his healing abilities, but from his detective skills.

On Victor's side, I found it interesting seeing what could go wrong when Sydney uses her powers on a EO and tries to bring them back with their powers. It was also interesting seeing him getting desperate. I don't know, I've always found Victor to be be very interesting to read about.

Sydney was so amazing. I just really loved seeing her age mentally, but still look like a thirteen year old, while being a eighteen year old. I also liked seeing her develop her powers more, and become closer with Mitch. Her and Mitch's relationship is really sweet and I like the almost parental place he has in her life.

Okay, time to talk about my wonderful girls. Marcella and June were such a badass team. I know so many people ship Eli and Victor, but I ship those two ladies. Marcella's anger and want to be seen as being equal to men, was so amazing. And June being her assassin like self. I just really like their dynamic. I definitely want to see more of June. I would say Marcella, but shit went down and she went pretty crazy at the end.

“How many men would she have to turn to dust before one took her seriously?”

“Maybe we are broken. But we put ourselves back together. We survived. That’s what makes us so powerful. And as for family—well, blood is always family, but family doesn’t always have to be blood.”

“Perhaps she was glass. But glass is only brittle until it breaks. Then it’s sharp.”

“Some people were matches, a bit of light and no heat. And some were furnaces, all heat but little light. And then, once in a blue moon, there was a bonfire, something so hot and bright you couldn't stand too near without burning.”

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