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Anger is a Gift Review

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Title: Anger is a Gift Author: Mark Oshiro

Published On: May 22, 2018

Started Reading On: September 10, 2018 Finished On: September 13, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.18 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

So, this book when it came out hit the book world by storm. And I can see why. This book is extremely powerful and I have to give it to the author, he wrote such a difficult book.

The whole topic about school violence and the police attacking students really scared me. And I'm going to say the right now. I live in Canada, in a smaller province and the most that I have seen a gun is on TV. I don't have any personal experience regarding what this story talks about. Because of that I would have to take breaks and think about what I just read. And something that crossed my mind a lot was how dangerous living in America seems to be. To be someone of colour as a lot of the character were (I'm not of this identity, like other things present in this story I have no personal connection to this) and how you don't really understand until you are in the scenario.

Moss was such a interesting character and he was very logical and always tried to find the best way to do something. He is also very determined and will get a response to all the problems with the local police. I find it so inspiring that event though he is so overwhelmed with everything going on, he still fights for what he believes in.

The reason why I knocked off half a star was because of the writing. At times the writing seemed very poor and it would drag the story. I felt that there were elements of the writing that really brought down the book to me.

“Anger is a gift. Remember that." She stood. "You gotta grasp onto it, hold it tight and use it as ammunition. You use that anger to get things done instead of just stewing in it.”

“It's like people want me to be this version of a person that isn't me. Like, always ready to fight and march and rally, and I don't even get to be myself.”

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