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Back to School Book Tag

Back to school is upon us, and as this goes up, I would be in school for about a week at this point. I'm assuming that things are a thing, because to be fair I have to idea what is going since I am pre-doing this post. Anyways, let's just get started with the questions.

English/Language Arts: Name your favourite author's (or books) writing style.

Victoria/ V.E. Schwab, her writing is honest so amazing and I could read her writing all damn day.

Math: A book that made you frustrated.

Ship It by Britta Lundin. Yeah, this book got on my nerves to the point of me DNFing the book.

Science: A book that really made you think or question things.

Vicious by V.E. Schwab. The concept of superpowers and science really was compelling and interesting.

Social Studies/History: Your favorite book from a different time period.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. I don't actually read much historical fiction I have come to realize.

Art: Your favorite book with pictures.

Red Hood and the Outlaws. Because I really love this comic series so much, it is one of my favourites.

Drama: A book you would love to see turned into a movie.

Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. I feel like it would be a very action pack sci-fi movie.

Music/Band: Name a character you think (or know) would have the same musical taste as you.

I have a really weird music taste so I don't think there is a character. My music taste goes from pop to metal.

Lunch: A food from a book you would love to try.

I don't know, maybe some of the food from Harry Potter?

Bus Ride Home: A book or author that is relaxing.

Reading for me is very relaxing. So I don't really have any one in particular.

Extra Credit: A book someone else told you to read and you ended up enjoying it.

I was sort of pressured by the internet to read Nevernight by Jay Kristoff, and I loved that book. So much death.

So there is the tag, I hope you enjoyed it. I have new post up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that Kendra is out, peace!

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