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Vicious Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Vicious

Author: V.E. Schwab

Published On: September 24, 2013

Started Reading On: August 28, 2018

Finished On: August 30, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.28 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

Holy crap. This book is so interesting and such a wild ride. There is just so much that I need to talk about in this book that I am going to need to break it down a little bit before starting.

One thing that I found super interesting in this book was how the superpowers are very scientifically backed up. It was cool watching these very intelligent people, work out how these people become Extra Ordinary, and figuring out how to do the same to themselves. It's interesting seeing how a certain things can lead up to someone getting superpowers and how you leave apart of you when you do.

I really liked the conflict between Victor and Eli, and how we get flashbacks of when they discovered the idea of Extra Ordinarys, with them figuring out how to become one, and when they fall apart when they do. You can see that they have problems between them and they end up, completely falling apart and wanting to literally kill each other.

Victor was such a morally grey character. He didn't think he was a good person, however, while he was willing to kill someone and doesn't feel anything while doing so, he helps a thirteen year old who was shot. He was constantly feeling the need to get revenge on Eli, who pretty much sold him out and got him locked up in jail, and in the end he only wanted Eli to feel the same. He was very intelligent, and I liked how he is aware of how he is a bad person and yet he tried to hide it from Sydney.

Can we also talk about how much of an angel Sydney is. She does not deserve the crap she went through. Like Eli is a dick for shooting her, and Victor and Mitch are wonderful for just protecting them. Also I love how her power is bringing people back from the death, "giving them a second chance".

And the ending, holy crap, I am just going to need Vengeful to come out and my copy to be at my house, as soon as possible.

“Plenty of humans were monstrous, and plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human.”

“The absence of pain led to an absence of fear, and the absence of fear led to a disregard for consequence.”

“You must make time for that which matters, for that which defines you: your passion, your progress, your pen. Take it up, and write your own story.”

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