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Inkmistress Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Inkmistress

Author: Audrey Coulthurst

Published On: March 6, 2018

Started Reading On: August 13, 2018

Finished On: August 27, 2018

Average Star Rating: 3.8 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

So, when I heard about this book it was after or shortly after finishing Of Fire and Stars, which was one of my favourite books of 2017, and I don't think this book reach that same level for me.

Not to say that it was bad. It wasn't, I gave it four stars, but there was something about this book, that didn't bring it to the same level as Of Fire and Stars. Asra was pretty interesting character and I enjoyed parts of the story.

Something I wished we got to see more, was the magic system. I am kind of confused about the manifests. What the hell does the manifest even mean and how can they happen. I don't really understand the whole transforming into the animal. At first I thought it was something like Vixen, from DC, where she can channel the animals but stays in her body. But they can turn into the animals in the book? I just don't really see the explanation in the story.

I would have also liked to see more of an explanation of the gods and demigods in this world, because you don't really see much about it. For the most part I wanted to know more about all the aspects of the magic, since that is something that I always find interesting in fantasy, and I didn't.

The big thing about this book was Asra learning about love and who she is love by, with her loving back. As the beginning starts, Asra is in love with Ina and pouring all her time and effort into a very one sided relationship and as the story goes on, she discovers, that Ina wasn't in love with her in the way she was in love with Ina. And it was nice seeing her love others without it belittling the fact that she is I'm pretty sure bisexual.

Special shout out mention to the fact that, Hal and Asra had such a budding friendship before they where dating. I really enjoyed them joking with each other and being so close and pretty much besties. I just kind of loved seeing them interacting before they got together.

“There are other ways to seek justice. More death isn’t the answer. It never is. This isn’t you, Ina. The girl I love is passionate, and gentle, and kind”

“Love was the way he made me laugh when I least thought it possible, and the way our voices came together to sing a tavern song inappropriate for most company. Love was the way he kissed me until I knew without doubt that anywhere he was would be home.”

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