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End of Summer Book Haul

This post is going to be a book haul. because has of this post going up, I have roughly a week until I start school and I am hoping that I'll have enough control to not purchase any books before this upcoming school year, since I am doing a literature course and I am unsure if the books are provided.

The first half of this haul is going to be actual books, while the second half is going to be the comic volumes that I have started to collected. These are not going to be in the order of receiving for the pure reason of me not remembering what order I got them.

The first two books I am mentioning I am pretty sure I got in the same indigo order. Ship It by Britta Lundin, and Anger is a Gift by Mark Oshiro. Was interested in Ship It but ended up being disappointed and Anger is a Gift I heard good things about and decided to buy it.

I also ordered The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater, since I was waiting for it to go to paperback before buying it so it would match the other books in the series. And with that I also purchased Inkmistress by Audrey Coulthurst, since I loved her previous book.

On two separate wanders in my local bookstore, I bought Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff and Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas. They are both books I wanted to get, I just needed to wait a little bit.

And finally on my last indigo order, I bought Shadow Crown by Kristen Martin and Vicious by V.E. Schwab. I am so excited to have Vicious so I can read it before my preorder of the sequel comes.

Now comics. The first series I bought is really the one I got the most volumes of and that is Justice League Rebirth. I bought volumes 1-6: The Extinction Machines, Outbreak, Timeless, Endless, Legacy and The People vs The Justice League.

And the last three are the first volume of different comics. Red Hood and the Outlaws Rebirth: Dark Trinity. Rebirth Titans: The Return of Wally West. And Hawkeye: Kate Bishop Anchor Points.

So there is the haul. I hope you enjoyed this post. I have new ones up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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