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Thunderhead Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Thunderhead

Author: Neal Shusterman

Published On: January 9, 2018

Started Reading On: August 11, 2018

Finished On: August 12, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.54 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This book got me really invested and remained me how much I am in love with the scythe world, and the characters in the story.

I have to say, in this book Rowan has completely captured my attention, the entire time of me reading this book, was me wanting more of his story and see what he was doing as Scythe Lucifer. I also love seeing how clever he is and him not being afraid of how things can go wrong and he is going to die. I feel like Rowan really doesn't get the appreciation he deserves from others, and him trying to help the scythedom in a way that no one else will.

Citra's chapters are okay. I have to say, her chapters are cool and all, but compared to Rowan, being a vigilante, while she is just doing the scythe thing and I am, really just, it was hard getting into her chapters, because I am, definitely more invested in action plot lines. Although I did like reading about her gaining more knowledge about the scythe politics.

The ending really got me shook. I think that it is really hard to see it coming and I am really interested on how they are going to come back from Scythe Curie dying and both Rowan and Citra are going to have a lot of shit to figure out once they are revived. I honestly have no idea how things are are going to conclude in the next book.

“if we were judged by the things we most regret, no human being would be worthy to sweep the floor.”

“While freedom gives rise to growth and enlightenment, permission allows evil to flourish in a light of day that would otherwise destroy it.”

“An arrogant head of state gives permission to all nature of hate as long as it feeds his ambition.  And the unfortunate truth is, people devour it. Society gorges itself, and rots. Permission is the bloated corpse of freedom.”

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