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Writing Update #4

Guess who is posting an update that actually has to do with writing? Me! I actually have been back into my novel and I have to say it have been nice. I liked getting some of the changes that I have been thinking about in my head done and onto the page.

Before I get into the major things I am going to give some background to the project I am working on since you may not know since I didn't talk about it in awhile. The novel I'm working on is called Life After Death and it is about my main character Cass who was attack by a werewolf when she was twelve and a few years later she become a hunter. After a hunt she gets stopped by the daughter of the Alpha of the werewolf pack in the area and gets ask to help her do something that will change her place in the world.

Now one of the two big changes I made was starting from the beginning and making the changes in a new documented. The problem that I was running into when editing the novel with all the words there, was how overwhelming it got when looking up and seeing how much words I have left. Now, I can see what is going on in smaller chunks.

The other big change is the fact that I am changing the point of view from first person to third person, which is annoying but it is working so much better with the story. To be completely honest, it is easier to write first person when getting the story done, but editing it and making it a better story, third person is the way to go.

I have also started using Pacemaker Planner to track my process and keeping me relatively accountable and I kind of love having this site. I have also made it my goal to have this round of edits done by the end of the year. So hopefully by December 31 I will have a much better piece of work to do more line edits and making sure the story is relatively put together.

So there is the update. It is a short one, but I am excited to be getting some work done. I have new post up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that Kendra is out, peace!

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