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Summer Reading Book Tag

So it is summer, and I really need to get a seasonal book tag, so why not now, because school doesn't start up for me until September. Anyways, let's get into the questions.

Lemonade: Pick a book that was bitter at first but got better.

Nevernight by Jay Kristoff. Don't get me wrong, I loved this book, but it was hard to get into it because I had to get use to the format, with the footnotes, and they made it hard to read the book.

Golden Sun: Pick a book that made you smile beyond compare.

Really any book by Rick Riordan. His books always makes me laugh and I find them so entertaining to read.

Tropical Flowers: A book set in a foreign country.

Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh, it takes place in Japan and I am sure that it is very different there compared to Canada.

Tree Shade: A book where a mysterious or shady character was introduced.

Pretty much every YA book out there. I mean the mysterious character is a pretty common trope.

Beach Sand: A book that was grainy and the plot barely developed.

I don't really know, maybe Girl on the Train, there wasn't really much keeping me interested.

Green Grass: pick a character that is full of life, making you smile.

Rhy from A Darker Shade of Magic. He is just a good time, especially in the world he is in.

Watermelon: A book with juicy characters.

I am just going to say the Shadowhunter Chronicles by the queen Cassandra Clare.

Sun hat: A book that had a vast universe/setting.

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. The world is just so bloody awesome.

BBQ: A book in which the character was portrayed as a hunk.

I don't know. I don't really read many books that could apply to this whole thing.

So there is the post, I hope you enjoyed it. I have new posts up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and ocassionally on other days. And with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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