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Library Lovers Book Tag

I tend to get majority of the books I read from the library. Because, if I am being honest I cannot afford my reading habits. So let's appreciate my local library.

1. How often do you visit your local library?

When book club I go once a month, however I haven't been in a couple months because my library is fifteen minutes away from where I live and currently it is a bit to much for me to go at this time.

2. Are you the type of person who checks out more books than you know you can read or are you someone who only checks out the exact amount of books you intend on reading before they are due?

I pretty much get as much as I can read, because I renew them online, however I do have them read by the time I go to the library next.

3. How old were you when you got your first library card?

I can't really give an age because I have had one for awhile so at this point I don't really know.

4. Do you go to your library looking for a particular book or do you check out anything that peaks your interest?

When I go I grab books that I am interested in, without much of a plan. It is very unpredictable what books I come out with.

5. Do you use your library to check out just books or do you also check out dvds, audiobooks etc.?

I use my library's Overdrive to download ebooks, and I do occasionally get movies, but for the most part it is books.

6. From what section of your library do you check out a majority of your books? ( YA, middle grade, adult, nonfiction.)

I usually check out YA books, but I have been recently checking out comic volumes, since I have bee getting into them.

7. What is your favorite part of using your local library?

It's a tie between getting the books, and the book club I am in through the library. Oh and the librarians. I just love my library.

So there is the tag. I hope you enjoy, I have new posts up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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