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#Cramathon Warp Up

So I had intentions with this readathon, with very low expectations for what would end up happening, because prepping for exams is more important at this point in my life compared to trying to read seven books in a week. So here is a refresher on the challenges and I will get into the books I ended up reading.

1. a predicted 5 star book

2. a book out of your comfort zone

3. a book that has been on your TBR a long time

4. a book that is LGBTQ+ ownvoices

5. something that is not a standard novel

6. has your favourite colour on cover

7. Read 7 books

I complete three out of the challenges intentionally, and I could bend it the complete five which let's just do.

Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh completes the most amount of challenges when I think about it. It completes a predicted five star read, read a LGBTQ+ own voices (bisexual rep), and a book with your favourite colour on the cover, because pink does happen to be one of my favourite colours. I will go more into detail in my monthly warp up and review.

I read American Street by Ibi Zoboi for the challenge read a book out of your comfort zone, because contemporary isn't really my thing and I never love them as much as fantasy.

And the last book I read this week was The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang, which fills the challenge of reading something that is not a standard novel. This is a graphic novel that is so cute.

So there is my warp up for the Cramathon, I hope you enjoyed this post, I have new ones up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that Kendra is out, peace!

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