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#Cramathon TBR

So I am going to be taking part in the Cramathon although this is probably the worst time for me since this is the last week before my exams start, so know I am not going to get to all of the books. So it's fine. So let's go through the challenges, might be doing some doubling up.

1. A Predicted 5 star read

Warcross by Marie Lu or It's Not Like It's a Secret by Misa Sugiura

2. A book that's out of your comfort zone.

American Street by Ibi Zoboi, contemporary isn't really my thing.

3. A book that's been on your TBR for a long time

Warcross by Marie Lu

4. A LGBTQ+ #ownvoices book

Reign of the Fallen by Sarah Glenn Marsh, with bisexual own voices.

5. Something that is not a standard novel

Obsidio by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

6. A book with your favourite colour on the cover.

7. Read 7 books

The last two is kind of up in the air, because who knows man.

So there is it, probably not going to make it through them all but it is fine. I have new post up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that, Kendra is out.

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