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The Shadow Queen Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: The Shadow Queen Author: C.J. Redwine

Published On: February 26, 2016

Started Reading On: April 4, 2018

Finished On: April 10, 2018

Average Star Rating: 3.75 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

I meant of having this post up last week, but life became busy so I had to put it to the side so I can focus on getting those things done before getting the blog post done. Well, man, this book was quite the ride.

At the beginning of the book, I wasn't very invested I wasn't completely into Lorelai and Kol's story and into the world, but I got invested real fast, and I found it to be such a fun read. I loved seeing both Lorelai's and Kol's point of view, as well as other characters like Irina, the evil queen.

While the main character was Lorelai, I found everything regarding Kol to be interesting, like his story was interesting from the start for me, and I enjoyed seeing him speak about his family and friends with love, even when he was going dark. I also found that his magic, the whole dragon thing was so cool and I loved that.

I found Lorelai's magic, very normal, considering how big magic is a part of the fantasy genre, so I didn't really find her that interesting. She was constantly telling us how she was the rightful queen, and how only she can defeat Queen Irina.

Also, on the topic of Irina, I found her to be a fun villain. Like she was not screwing around, and she never truly underestimated Lorelai, the way that so many villains do, and her magic fails for very logical reasons.

I, in the end really liked seeing Kol, interact to his friends once they are able to meet up again. Because even though he is a king, his friends don't treat him differently than when he was a cadet and a prince. I just really liked Kol, okay?

“You don't go into battle because you're sure of victory. You go into battle because it's the right thing to do.”

“A warrior doesn’t focus on the odds stacked against her. She focuses on her heart, on her will to face the evil in her world and defeat it, and then she finds a way to do it.”

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