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A Gathering of Shadows Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: A Gathering of Shadows Author: V.E. Schwab

Published On: February 23, 2016

Started Reading On: April 2, 2018 Finished On: April 4, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.32 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

I am very slowly working my way through this series, and maybe I will be done before the new version of Vicious and when Vengeful gets release so that I can start on another V.E. Schwab series because let's go through all of her books.

I having so much fun getting to see more of each of the different Londons, like this one showed so much more of Red London, and the traditions and I am interested in seeing more of the different ways of the world. And to be far, the Red London is so interesting because it is one of the only ones that has magic being such a normal part of society and not be anything other than a normality.

I loved seeing Kell in the aftermath of the events of the first book, with him and Rhy being attached by the life force and struggling with the punishments of his crimes, when he really is trying. I am also really excited, to see Kell tell the King or have him find out about the point, that the more Kell gets restricted and locked away, he will end up abandoning the kingdom or running away. And it's just pissing me off about how little the King and Queen care about Kell.

I also loved seeing the friendship/brotherly relationship between Kell and Rhy develop more since the beginning of the book really shows them being brothers. God, I love their relationship together and I just want to read books of those two teasing one another and being supportive of each other when they need to do.

And Lila is such a unique character and I liked seeing her learn how to use her magic and really accept what she can do. And also steal some things and occasionally some stabbing because that is something she does. I also really like how she is making an effort to take heed to things that Kell told her to keep an ear for and taking notice to what he says.

I also really liked the competition part of the book. I really that I wasn't going to like it and when it was mention I kind was like, man, that won't be fun to read, but I ended up not having a problem with it like I thought I was going to. Instead, I found it to be a fun way to learn more about the magic and see what Lila is capable of.

And finally I want to talk about the whole thing with Holland, because what kind of idiot lets a demon into his body. Like has he learned nothing from who his old bosses were because that is something that is still bothering me.

“Standing there on display was painful enough. Now came the truly unfortunate task of socializing.”

“Politics is a dance until the moment it becomes a war. And we control the music.”

“What a waste of life, to stand around and think so much on every little thing.”

“Nature is made of cycles, and we are made of nature. What is unnatural is believing in an infallible man and a nice place waiting in the sky.”

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