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Autoboyography Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Autoboyography Author: Christina Lauren

Published On: September 12, 2017

Started Reading On: March 6, 2018 Finished On: March 9, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

Again, we are reading some bisexual reads, and we are enjoying them. Now, what we need to start doing is stop referring to myself of we, that would be good. Anyways, I am really enjoying reading about bisexual main characters, I just really want more female bisexual main characters, since all I have been reading lately has been male bisexual characters.

This was such a cute and emotional story, and I am just so amazed by how much I enjoyed this book, and it was just so good and cute. Like man I have to say, I have never really been someone to like cutesy romances, however I really liked that about this book. I really liked how real the main character Tanner seemed and how he was almost relatable to me even though I have never went through anything like he has.

I found Tanner to be a very enjoyable character to read from. He is constantly just trying to be himself and he wants to leave the town he living in, because like, I want to move away from where I currently live and were I grew up, and it is not because I hate it, its like with Tanner, I just don't think I would be able to stay. I also really liked how he never felt the need to make a big deal about his sexuality and let it be what defines him. Also I find it so relatable that all he needs to do to something is to be called lazy, because I am that petty to do that.

His friendship with Autumn was so nice and I really liked how as soon as something happens between them, they manage to talk it out and make it through it rather nicely without much anger and keeping themselves rather put together. They are always trying to help each other out and I just appreciate friends who are also there for each other and aren't super dramatic when they argue.

Now time to talk about my boy Sebastian and his and Tanner's relationship. I found Sebastian, to be hard to connect with. Maybe it is because I have literally no care for anything super religious, and he is kind of that, and his problems with coming to terms with his sexuality were never something that I went through. I guess I just found Tanner easier to connect with. And there relationship was so nice and they connected so well together and ugh. I very much enjoyed seeing them go through dealing with discovery and sexuality with being religious, its just nice.

“This is how we reveal ourselves: these tiny flashes of discomfort, the reactions we can’t hide.”

“Maybe I'm crying because I'm terrified that he's come here to do more damage, to reactivate what I feel only to let me down easy again, missionary style.”

“But this is your life, and it will stretch out before you, and you are the only person who can make it whatever you want it to be.”

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