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Invictus Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Invictus

Author: Ryan Graudin

Published On: September 26, 2017

Started Reading On: February 23, 2018

Finished On: February 23, 2018

Average Star Rating: 3.91 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

I loved this book and all the wackness that comes with the terms of having time travel as a being a part of a plot. And I so excited to see this kind of wildness that the characters had with the interactions.

The relationship within the crew of the Invictus, on the mention of the characters, was similar on the closeness and caring of each other reminded me of the Heroes of Olympus crew and the crew from Six of Crows. They were so close and you could tell that they wouldn't let anything happen to each other and I am in love having crews in books.

I loved Far and he is such a fun character and I appreciate how when everything went down hill for him, his responses was to listen the sketchy note he recieve. Because honestly I have to say, I understand why that was how he responded to the whole failing thing like that. I also love how much he cares about his cousin and the other members on his team, and how protective he was without being almost overbearing and controlling.

And Eliot, I was wary about her when she come in and I knew and so did probably everyone, that she wasn't being honest about what she was doing on the ship. I did come to love her and I thought that she was a badass in all the aspects. And when the reveal for what was really going on come happen, I still didn't completely guess it before hand.

My favourite part of the book would have to be the time travel and all the heist and other things in that line. I found it so much fun to see the different times and the places and see the characters interact with the different environments.

As well as Imogen, who I think is my favourite character in this book. She was the historian on the ship, so she was constantly keeping up the with the different clothing and the languages and it was interesting. And she had this thing were she would have her hair a different colour everyday. Like how is her still alive? Do they have fancy hair dye that doesn't kill hair in the future? Who knows.

“Hope could not outlast the breather. Love, however . . . Love was something not even death could conquer, because at the end of everything, even life, he was hers.”

“If there was a fate worse than death, it was a life unremembered.”

“He wanted to meet history face-to-face. He wanted to be the blood in its veins, as it was in his”

“When humanity steps into the shoes of gods, things will go awry.”

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