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The Darkest Minds Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: The Darkest Minds Author: Alexandra Bracken

Published On: December 18, 2012

Started Reading On: February 7, 2018

Finished On: February 25, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.24 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This book took me forever to reread! However it was a necessary evil since I cannot remember crap that happened in this book and I should have at least a slight idea of what happens before continuing on with the series. Also there is a movie coming out at some point this year so I am lowkey rereading for that purpose as well.

First things first, I can't believe I forgotten how much of an angel Liam is. I mean I knew that he was probably the best being in this whole goddamn book, but goodness it is hard to put a value on how much I would want to be with someone like him, and I'll never forgive Ruby for using her mind control powers on him. Like he doesn't deserve any of the crap that was thrown at him and ugh, he is a cinnamon roll.

Also, on the topic of cinnamon rolls, Zu is an angel, and I can't wait to see where she ends up going in the future. I really liked that even though she is mute she still forms such wonderful connections with people and found myself rooting for her more than any other character to get a happy ending. And she did, she gets to see her cousin again, and grows more comfortable in her abilities to remove her gloves. So more than anything, I need an entire series just giving the adventures of Zu.

My favourite scenes are always the ones with banter, (that's a lie, right after the action scenes), especially around groups that have a almost so close to each they are pretty much family vibe. And I get to see that a lot with how Chubs, Liam, Zu, and Ruby acted around each other once they got comfortable around each other.

Also, can we talk about Chubs? He is so underrated by like everyone and I really appreciate how he doesn't take anyone's crap and doesn't deserve anything that ended up happening to him.

“He's so busy looking inside people to find the good that he misses the knife they're holding in their hand.”

“Dreaming led to disappointment, and disappointment to a kind of depressed funk that wasn’t easy to shake. Better to stay in the gray than get eaten by the dark.”

“I think maybe the most frustrating feeling in the world is to have something to say but not know how to put it into words. To have lived through something but not be able to get it out of you before it festers.”

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