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Valentine's Day Book Tag

So, Valentine's Day is tomorrow and my single ass is probably going to be spending the day going to school and attending Rangers and maybe watching some TV show that I happen to be binging at the time. But with how lonely I am, at least I still have books, so let's get into the tag.

1. Favorite couple ever – you want to have their relationship.

Either Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase for Rick Riordan's books or Denna and Mare from Of Fire and Stars, because they are both wonderful relationships.

2. Relationship that never happened – you wanted them to get together but they never did.

I don't really know, I am pretty okay with the canon relationships. Although Dramione has some real good fanfiction.

3. Your ‘bookish’ crush.

Tessa Grey or Will Herondale from the Infernal Devices, because they both love to read and can kick butt.

4. Favorite feel-good romance.

I don't really have one, since I personally am not the biggest fan of romances in general.

5. Favorite genre to add romance to.

Either fantasy or action. Since then it wouldn't really be the main focus and I can still see people get beaten up.

6. Your Favorite Tragic Love Story – like Romeo & Juliet – No Spoilers! – A couple whose relationship was cut tragically short.

Aren't I going to be a broken record and say Allegiant. Well, I could also probably say A Game of Thrones in a way.

5. Your Favorite Love Triangle.

The love triangle in The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare with Tessa Grey, Jem Carstairs and Will Herondale. Because everyone loves each other in this one.

So there is the tag, I hope you enjoyed. I have new posts up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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