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Renegades Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Renegades Author: Marissa Meyer

Published On: November 7, 2017

Started Reading On: February 2, 2018 Finished On: February 5, 2018

Average Star Rating: 4.1 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This book was good. And that was just about it in my opinion. I found the book to be getting to a point where it could blow me away, but it always turns in the other direction and I feel disappointed in the long run.

While reading I found that Marissa Meyer could have added things in to make to story more mind blowing. Like when Adrian shares that he used to live around where Nora grew up since it was his mom's area. Like she could of had it be so that it is how she died, trying to save her family. It would of made it so that Nora's family was not being put down and not being ignored by the Renegades. I just wish that there was more things in the book that made things link together.

I found that the plot went from being the best thing in my opinion, to not being very impressive. Since there was a lot of interaction and events, that seem to be put in place just to make the characters look good. Like Nora taking out Gargoyle. Like it doesn't seem very necessary for them to have her fight the biggest and baddest, even though she did do it to a certain extend to be about revenge. I feel like the council would of had her fight someone else who is skilled in combat to go for a spar. I don't know, there was a lot that didn't really seem very logically in my opinion.

Occasionally, I also found that Nora's opinions on the Renegades didn't change at all. Like, you would expect for her to maybe change her mind, from hanging out with her team, and talking to the other Renegades-the less rude ones-and still wants to destroy them and doesn't even consider what will happen to the others who are staying there. For example kids like Max who live at the headquarters and are there because they have nowhere to go like she did. That really pissed me off because that would have been something I would expected to see.

And Adrian would of had to be my favourite character. I found that I was so interested to hear more about his backstory and to see him use his powers. I also really liked seeing him interact with children, always ready to help. He was honestly one of my favourite parts of the novel.

“One cannot be brave who has no fear.”

“There are many dangerous people in this world. but there are also many good people. Brave people. No matter how bad things get, we have to remember that. So long as there are heroes in this world, there's hope that tomorrow night might be better.”

“There was the potential for evil everywhere, and the only way to combat it was if more people chose goodness. If more people chose heroism.”

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