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First Book Haul of 2018

This post should have probably gone up last month but I plan my post in advance and life has been busy with studying at the end of the month and when this one in going up. Anyways most of these books I received for Christmas and the rest I bought during the boxing day sale online.

The first book I got was from my secret santa we did in my friend group. The Hanging Girl by Eileen Cook. Which I don't really know what it is about since it isn't what I normally read so it went completely under the radar for me, but it is fine.

One of the books that I asked my parents to get me for Christmas was The Darkest Minds Trilogy-The Darkest Mind, Never Fade, In the Afterlight-by Alexandra Bracken. I read the first on a while ago and I figured it would be easier to finish the series if I owned the books.

The other book I ask for that I got was Renegades by Marissa Meyer. Which from just the description I knew that I was so much more interested in this book than any of her other published books out.

Finally the last book I got for Christmas was Caraval by Stephanie Garber, which my mother literally had to ask the people at the bookstore what books have been the most recently publish to try and avoid giving me a book I already read. This is why getting me gifts can be hard.

Now time for the books I bought with the money I got for Christmas. I got Wonder Woman: Warbringer by Leigh Bardugo. After reading the Black Widow books, I can say that I am ready to invested in superhero books.

In the way of Leigh Bardugo, I also bought The Language of Thorns, because it is way too beautiful for me to not own. Enough for me to say.

I also got Zenith by Sasha Alsberg and Lindsay Cummings, it was one of my most anticipated releases of the year and it was released early in the year it didn't feel weird preordering it.

And finally I bought Warcross by Marie Lu, because A, I loved her other books I read and B, I heard some pretty good things about it.

There it is! I hope you enjoyed, I have a new post up, Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally on other days. And with that Kendra is out, peace!

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