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Geekerella Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Geekerella

Author: Ashley Poston

Published On: April 4, 2017

Started Reading On: December 28, 2017

Finished On: December 29, 2017

Average Star Rating: 4.08 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This was a wonderful fandom surrendering romance, that even I have to say was a wonderful story. You get to see the extremes of the fandoms powers and control and how our responses to remakes or adaptations are noticed by the actors.

I have to say throughout the book I felt like Elle's reaction to the announcement of the recast and the small bits of information that was released was very similar to the reaction that come with the reaction of Shadowhunters. And I am everyone can agree with me, that the show was greeted with constant judgement and I am guilty of being on of the people delivering it. You most definitely wouldn't see it on my blog, but I really enjoy seeing Elle's reaction and felt like it was very relatable to what I feel.

I also liked how big the aspect of fandoms were in this book, from Elle's point of view being the witnessing of seeing her favourite show being redone, and Darien from being part of the remake and not wanting to disappoint the fandom. And I love seeing how fandoms have such a huge influence on everything and it makes me happy to see it shine through, and if you seen more of my reviews you would have seen that one of the reasons I liked Eliza and Her Monsters so much was because of the big part of fandom. So, your girl likes fandom books.

Now Damien, has such a wonderful point of view. I found myself relating to him so much throughout the novel and it seems weird to admit that, because in a way I am like Elle, but he is constantly going through the motions and really is trying to find out a way to put his life in his own hands and I know that it isn't an easy thing to do. I feel like he has to push down parts of his personality and try to downplay some of the things that he likes just to fit in with the movie star thing. His anxiety he feels and I really like how the author gave the movie star very human feels and I don't think people do that much.

I loved Elle's adventures in creating the cosplay and how Sage become such a good friends over time. And I just really loved the whole friendship plotline that was created. As well as the whole fandom plotline, I also really like strong friendships.

“Look to the stars. Aim. Ignite.”

“Never give up on your dreams, and never let anyone tell you that what you love is inconsequential or useless or a waste of time. Because if you love it? If that OTP or children's card game or abridged series or YA book or animated series makes you happy? That is never a waste of time. Because in the end we're all just a bunch of weirdos standing in front of other weirdos, asking for their username.”

“My dad said that the impossible is only impossible if you don’t even try. So I want to try.”

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