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December Warp Up

I read six books in December, which is good, I kind of wanted to get one more book read, but you don't always get what you want and life has been a bit crazy. I can guarantee that the next few months are going to have to be wonderful time to get reading done since I have a crap ton of books to read.

Anyways the first book I read was The Ship of the Dead by Rick Riordan. I gave this book five out of five stars. This book was such a fun adventure and I am hoping to see these characters again.

I then reread The Walled City by Ryan Graudin, and I gave the book four point five out of five stars. I loved it just as much as the first time I read it.

I read A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, which I gave four out of five stars. I felt like I was reading the movie, and I loved it.

Then I read My True Love Gave to Me edited by Stephanie Perkins, I gave three out of five stars. Romance isn't my thing and that was the backbone of the stories so it isn't the writers fault.

I then read The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi, I gave it five out of five stars. It was such a magically story and I loved it.

Finally I read Geekerella by Ashley Poston and I gave it four out of five stars. It was a cute and fast read.

There are the books that I read in December, I hoped you enjoyed. I have new posts up on Tuesdays and Thursdays and occasionally I post on other days. With that, Kendra is out, peace!

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