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Prepping For the Next Reading Year

This post is going up I'm sorry, but I was considering not putting one up today and making up later. But I didn't want to. So we are going to be talking about the things I do to prep for the next reading year.

One of the first things I do is go through and see what books are coming out in the coming year that I am interested in. I am probably going to put a post about my most anticipated reads, next month, but it is still a work in progress. To be far, I mostly do this for the pure reason to keep an eye on the books I would want to buy.

The next would be to considered what kind of reading challenges that I would want to do in the coming year, or if I am going to be making one up, like I have been for the past two years. Again I will try to put a post about that later.

And finally I will put in my Goodreads Reading Challenge. Because like many people I enjoy the competition of reading a crap ton in a limited amount of time.

So there is the post, very short and to the point, hopefully my next one is longer but what can you do, I am putting up a post Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays up until Christmas, and with that Kendra is out, peace!

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