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The Ship of the Dead Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: The Ship of the Dead Author: Rick Riordan

Published On: October 3, 2017

Started Reading On: November 19, 2017 Finished On: December 2, 2017

Average Star Rating: 4.42 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This was such an amazing conclusion to this trilogy. This story could be continued, maybe with other characters and what not, but I love how Rick has an almost open end of his stories. As well as his making me excited for the next Trials of Apollo because I am ninety percent sure something is going to happen.

First off, we see Annabeth and Percy come in and show Magnus how to properly fall off of a ship without dying from the contact cause that is fun. And Magnus already died once so it isn't really something he would want to revisit. I just really appreciate that the norse people think that Annabeth and Percy are so adorable and I honestly love how much everyone thinks this.

So, once they actually show the ship, I cannot talk about this book without bringing up the fact that it is bloody neon yellow. Like in the Heroes of Olympus, they had a battleship with a Festus as the head thing, and then Magnus has a neon yellow one, imagining being that unfortunate.

Anyways, so we got to so Mallory more, and I love how she swears in gaelic and it such a badass and is an independant woman who didn't deserve Loki meddling with her life. Like, she is just wonderful. And learning more about Halfborn and his life before he died, along with his relationship with Mallory.

Sam stood up to Loki and manage to show him off and it makes me so happy to see my babe be such a badass and using what she can to survive in the ways that works with her, like using Ramadan and a way to focus herself. And seeing her relationship with Alex is becoming less forced and they are becoming more sibling like, and I just appreciate them.

Also, Alex and Magnus are actually real cute together, like how can you say anything other than that. Alex started to real trust him with their past and everything and I could really love to see what could happen between them.

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