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All I Want for Christmas Book Tag

First Christmas book tag for 2017, hell yeah. I am so ready for Christmas and I am finally getting to figuring out what I am going to asking for and with that it is going to be a good time.

1. What fictional character do you want Santa to leave under your Christmas tree?

Well this is going to have to be a tie between Will Herondale and Sara Lance. Yes, Sara is from a TV show but I love her just as much as I love Will.

2. What character do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?

Can I repeat my answer from the last question? Because I want to kiss both of them, maybe I'll add Dean Winchester.

3. You write your Christmas wish list for Santa. What are the top 5 books on it?

- Shadow Crown by Kristen Martin

- Eve: The Awakening by Jenna Moreci

- Renegades by Marissa Meyer

- The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman

- The Darkest Minds Trilogy

4. It's secret Santa at Hogwarts, what do you most want to receive?

Probably some chocolate frogs if we are going based on what is available in the Harry Potter universe. However some Ravenclaw merch would be cool.

5. You get to spend the day with the characters and movie adaptation actors from one fandom. What do you pick?

I am considering saying the Harry Potter characters. Because I want to say Percy Jackson, but I wouldn't really want to hang out with the actors, so I guess Harry Potter it is.

6. What fictional animal would you like to replace Rudolph with and be able to meet on your roof?

Even though it would an asshole move to replace Rudolph, because for one, have you heard the song? He had a rough life. But on the same point wouldn't Buckbeak be cool.

7. You invite 10 fictional characters to your New Year's Eve party, who do you pick?

- Will Herondale

- Annabeth Chase

- Kell (A Darker Shade of Magic)

- Emma Carstairs

- Julian Blackthorn

- Magnus Bane (Dude you need him)

- Percy Jackson

- Dara Lance

-Sam and Dean Winchester

- Kate Harker

8. What character would make a good Santa?

Honestly Dumbledore. I mean he does have the bread already.

So there is the tag, I hope you enjoyed this post and are excited for Christmas as well! I am going to be posting four times a week up until Christmas, on Sundays Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and with that Kendra is out, peace!

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