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Flame in the Mist Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Flame in the Mist Author: Renee Ahdieh

Published On: May 16, 2017

Started Reading On: August 6, 2017 Finished On: August 11, 2017

Average Star Rating: 4.01 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

For this book I tried my hand at writing notes and right now I am going to have to decipher them because some of them are whether hard to understand.

Character wise I really liked to read from Meriko's point of view. She was such a strong female character, and her interactions with the world around her, and learning more about the world that she didn't really get to see. On the other hand I started out really liking her brother, Kenshin, but in the end he wasn't nearly as impressive. Okami would have to be my favourite character, he was so complex and I just want to learn more about him. Ranmaru, was I character I was unsure about, because he was very much a dick, although I kind of like his character now.

The topic of honour was continuously brought up, and at the beginning of the novel, there was the seven tenets of bushido which had all of these symbols. As the novel went on though, you see the characters view of honour changes as they discover more about the true meaning and how it really depend on how you view things.

Going back to Kenshin, his relationship with Amaya was really confusing. Like did he like her? And you only really see his love for her when she runs into a burning fire. Is Amaya still alive.

Okami and Mariko has wonderful chemistry. They are always at each other's throats and their scenes together were my favourites. When he found out that she was actually a girl I was in love with how everything after that. Especially the training session, I found that hilarious.

I was so shocked when I found out that Okami was actually the boy from the prologue no Ranmaru. And his sister was kind of a bitch but like, she was very inspiring. I will have some of my favourite quotes at the end of the post.

Why did she have to kill Yoshi off? he was my favourite. I loved how open he was to Mariko and always willing to help her.

Page 129, "Be as swift as the wind. As silent as the forest. As fierce as the fire. As unshakable as the mountain."

Page 199, "Beautiful words were beautiful words even to the most practical of minds."

"Words are foolish. Promises are useless. Anyone can say anything to get what they desire. Believe in actions and actions alone."

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