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Biannual Bibliothon Day 6


Pages Read: 1117 Books Read: 2

It is day 6 and today's challenge is hosted by Wolf Libby, their post here, with 25 bookish facts about you. Which is going to be so goddamn hard to figure out.

1. I used to dog-ear the pages of my books, I don't do it that anymore though.

2. I can't listen to audiobooks without getting distracted.

3. I can read multiple books at a time.

4. I want to get a tattoo of the knowledge rune from The Shadowhunters Chronicles on my arm.

5. I have read several books in one sitting, many times.

6. I own mostly fantasy, urban fantasy and straight up action novels, compared to contemporary because I tend to get disappointed by contemporary novels.

7. Most of the books I read are from the library, since for the most part I buy my own books and I am a poor high school student (for the most part, I have a summer job currently).

8. For the most part I do my best reading throughout the school year, because when I am bored and don't want to do work I will start to read.

9. I can read pretty much everywhere except for in cars, I get car sick whenever I try, and I tend to try.

10. I love to reread books, it tends to be something I do very often.

11. I have been doing a little bit of defacing on the covers of some of my hardback books, which is what happens when I watch youtubers do it.

12. The only people I let borrow my books are my mom, my sister, and my best friend.

13. I prefer to read physical books, because when I am reading on my phone I tend to get distracted from apps and whatnot.

14. I never grew up with any book characters, every characters I have read was either all at once (Harry Potter), or I was younger than the character (Percy Jackson).

15. I barely ever get into reading slumps, I find it really hard to even imagining not reading for a couple months.

16. I only DNF books when I am really not enjoying the book, I try to get as far into the book as possible before stopping though.

17. I can't imagining scenes in my head when I am reading, even when I am creating my own world, it is described like a book.

18. I got my love for reading from my mom, and my grandmother (her mom) is also a huge reader, so it runs in the family.

19. I am currently sixteen books ahead on my Goodreads goal, so I have no idea what it feels like to be panicking about being behind.

20. I am not that big of a fan of classics. I just find them boring from the amount of classics I have currently read at this point in my life.

21. My favourite book boyfriend would have to Will Herondale, my favourite book girlfriend on the other hand would have to be Mare from Of Fire and Stars. My sexuality is going to shine through today.

22. I can read with pretty much anything in the background, if I don't care about what is going on that is.

23. I haven't cried from reading very many books in my life, I don't tend to get very emotionally in general.

24. I try to have a book with me no matter what if I can, I don't like having a chance and not being able to take it.

25. I recently order for the first time on the Chapters Indigo website and I am so sorry for my wallet.

So there is my facts, I would like to apologies for how late this post is going up, it seems that they are going up later and later everyday. Anyways I will see you tomorrow with another challenge and another update, Kendra is out, peace!

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