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Biannual Bibliothon Day 1

It is day one of the Biannual Bibliothon, and today's blog challenge host is 4 teen liars, their post here and the challenge is The Blogger Book Tag. I will say that my updates will not start until tomorrow, since I don't want to have to wait until the end of the day for my post to go up. So let's get into the challenge.

1. What are you planning to read for the Summer Biannual Bibliothon?

I already have a post up talking about my TBR, so in the briefest way possible, at this point I want to finish rereading Days of Blood of Starlight by Laini Taylor, The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh and I am going to stop there.

2. What is your favourite genre to read in Summer?

I tend to read in the same genres throughout the entire year, since I enjoy more action-packed books, unlike romance like some people tend to lean towards.

3. Where is your favourite place to read in the summer?

I am a creature of habit, and I would have to say my bed. I don't like wasps or flies being around me when I am reading.

4. What is your favourite challenge done in the Summer Biannual Bibliothon?

I am a fan of the villain's synopsis, because I am a sucker for a good villain, I mean one of my favourite characters from Harry Potter is Bellatrix.

5. What fictional character would you hang out in the summer if you could?

Probably Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series. She happens to her the character that I relate the most to.

6. What are your plans for summer?

At this point, I will be going to a family reunion, a provincial Girl Guide camp, and a crap ton of reading.

7. Do you have summer reading playlist, if not what would be on it?

I don't, what music I listen to depends more on what I am in the mood for compared to what book I read.

8. What is your favourite summer movie?

I'm not actually a big fan of movies, I spend my summers finding new TV shows to watch, which I haven't done lately.

9. What book do you read every summer, if not what thing do you do every summer?

I do reread quite often, however, I don't plan my rereads very well. My family and I always goes to the city, (which is across the province, we have most of our family over there) and go shopping for back to school.

10. What other book tags are you planning to do this summer?

I don't have any planned, but I will see what ones I end up doing.

I will have another blog post up tomorrow, which will contain the books I read today and tomorrow's challenge, and I will see you tomorrow, Kendra is out, peace!

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