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The Dark Prophecy Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: The Dark Prophecy Author: Rick Riordan

Published On: May 2, 2017

Started Reading On: July 6, 2017 Finished On: July 9, 2017

Average Star Rating: 4.32 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

So, to be honest I was more excited about the other book that is coming out this year, The Ship of the Dead, than I was for this book. I just have to say that being brought back to seeing characters like Leo and Calypso. again and hearing them mention the other characters like Reyna and Frank, Jason and Piper, it just makes me feel so nostalgic.

Now I am in love with the interaction between Calypso, Leo and Apollo, which is a very banter filled, exceptionally in regards to Calypso and Apollo, which is pretty much the definition of frenemies. And with Leo and Calypso, I really like how their relationship still has the essence of what it was when they first met, still being who they are.

Speaking of Calypso, I am one hundred percent ready to see her development with the whole relearning how to use magic, and based

on that I want to know more about her magic in general. Does she have magic inside her and the island just makes it easier to use, or was it just the island. I need to have books

about her adventure in modern day and age.

Emmi and Jo, are my little lesbian babies, are so adorable. God, I am so proud of them and how they literally the most badass characters ever. And when Leo made the comparison to Jo and his mom I died inside. To be fair, what killed me even more would have to be when Jo brought out dear old Bertha the gun, but you know. Oh, and their daughter Georgie, I am loving how Rick is bringing in so many different sexualities and genders into his books.

In this book you really see how many different times Apollo has felt regret and has been trick by the same god damn goddess. hearing him talk about the death of his son and his half brother, and how he killed the man he promised his blessing to, it was interesting to see the bit of emotion he had of the topic.

And Meg, my tiny flower child. I was so amazed by how little shits she seems to give and how chaotic her and Leo would be being left alone together.

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