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Reader Problems Book Tag

So, I am going to be doing the Reader Problems book tag, that may or may not be very hard to respond to the questions so let us get into the questions.

1. You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?

I go by what books I have and whatever I am feeling at the time, I don't have any in particular rhyme or reason behind my choice.

2. You’re halfway through a book and you’re just not loving it. Do you quit or are you committed?

If I am really hating the book I will DNF it, however I will try to push through for the most part.

4. The covers of a series you love do. not. match. How do you cope?

Well, I have never had that problem really, so I have no idea how I would. I probably would just leave it since I am a poor high school student.

5. Everyone and their mother loves a book you really don’t like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?

I usually will go to the internet or complain to my best friend who happens to also like reading.

6. You’re reading a book and you are about to start crying in public. How do you deal?

I close the book, and finish the goddamn book away from the public's eye. I refuse to cry in public.

7. A sequel of a book you loved just came out, but you’ve forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book?

Depends on the book to be honest. If I feel like rereading, yeah I will, but I don't pressure myself into doing it.

8. You do not want anyone. ANYONE. borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people nope when they ask?

I look them in the eye and tell them no. I only let people I trust borrow my books, I don't care if you make promises to return it.

9. Reading ADD. You’ve picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over your reading slump?

I will push myself through a book. I have to say I don't generally get into reading slumps that often.

10. There are so many new books coming out that you’re dying to read! How many do you actually buy?

The ones I buy tend to be the ones I have to own. Authors I like or sequels of series I already have. I prioritize for the most part.

11. After you’ve bought the new books you can’t wait to get to, how long do they sit on your shelf before you get to them?

Depends on the book I have to say. For the most part everything depends for me. But not very long since I hate owning books I haven't read.

So, there is the tag, let me know how long TBR books are on your shelves and with that, Kendra is out, peace!

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