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You're Welcome, Universe Review

Goodreads page link here. Title: You're Welcome, Universe Author: Whitney Gardner Published On: March 7, 2017 Started Reading On: June 13, 2017 Finished On: June 14, 2017 Average Star Rating: 3.79 out of 5 stars My Star Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

This is probably one of my favourite contemporary books. And I don't go throwing around kindness towards contemporaries very often. So trust me, this book is so good and I cannot recommend it enough.

As soon as I read the first chapter and saw the title of this book inside of the chapter and all of the sudden I was so happy to know the connection. The title seems to have no inner reason, and it makes me overjoyed to see titles in books. Also Jordyn is the worst friend ever, and I am so proud of Julia for dropping her fake ass. She was in a toxic friendship and nobody deserves someone like Jordyn.

Julia as a character was very refreshing. She wasn't the nicest person ever, and she for sure wasn't a pushover. She was sure about how she should be treated and didn't accept any less for her or for anyone. It was almost relieving to see her stand up for herself and not have others always be saving her. I also really enjoyed that she wasn't embarrassed that she was Deaf and she embraced. All the things that many people would shy away from, like being Deaf, and having two moms whom are also Deaf.

Oh before I go on, there wasn't a prominent romance in this novel. Hell yes, this is what I am here for. I thrived in the focus of the friendships and Julia's own personally development. You saw her opening up after her 'best friend' betrayal, and learning how to trust again.

I was so down to read the book when I found out

about the focus in graffiti. Even though I really don't know much about it, you can tell the author did her research from the amount of slang and and vocab used throughout the story. And guess what? The main focus stayed in the range of graffiti, which was a refreshing because in some contemporary novels, the hobbies of the main characters will drop it only to bring it back up when the hobby is useful to the plot. Not in this story, I learned so much about graffiti, through Julia's passion for it.

YP AKA Yoga Pants, ends up being Julia's new friend who is ten times better then Jordyn even thought she was. Well they did have a bumpy road to get to how they are with their friendship at the end of the book. To be fair, YP lied to Julia, and Julia doesn't trust easily so she really didn't put much thought into her lie, even though all was revealed by the end of the novel. Also, it touch on YP having a eating disorder of some sort, and it was talk about in a shameful way. Although I have no knowledge on those kinds of things so don't quote me.

The last thing I want to talk about would have to be YP's dad. He baked a pie, do you know all that I could think about at the time of it being mentioned? Supernatural, more particularly, Dean Winchester and his love for pie. We need to protect her dad though, so amazing.

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