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Lord of Shadows Review

Goodreads page link here.

Title: Lord of Shadows

Author: Cassandra Clare

Published On: May 23rd, 2017

Started Reading On: May 29, 2017

Finished On: May 30, 2017

Average Star Rating: 4.64 out of 5 stars

My Star Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

My Thoughts (Spoilers)

So, Lord of Shadows, holy crap, I don't know where to start with this, there is just so much I want to talk about and I have no idea where to start. I just have so many feels for this book and there is no way for me to get them all out here.

At the beginning of the novel we open up with two beautiful scenes: at the Institute, where Kit and Jace had their first ever interaction between the two of them and Julian, Emma, Christina and Mark at the pier fighting a squid demon. The interaction between the two Herondales, was wonderful, all I need is Tessa and Jem to sit the two of them and tell them about Will. Kit is in denial about who he is and I love the development he went through regarding that, in which I will mention later. Julian, Emma, Christina and Mark had such a bad-ass scene with the whole, squid monster fight. However that wasn't even my favourite part of the scene. The scene where Mark wins a goldfish, and names him Magnus. Afterwards through, decides to throw him into the water killing the fish, unknowingly. Bloody fantastic.

The next thing that is stuck in my head is when we find out the reason behind Clary saying no to Jace's proposal. She had a dream that she died and she thinks it is going to came true because something similar happened during the Dark War? And she thinks it will hurt Jace less this way? That is complete bullshit. He will be hurt the same because it is so bloody obvious he loves her and it isn't going to change too dramatically if they are married, but you know what, you do you.

Oh and the Centurions coming in. It was cool, some of them were likeable. We saw Jon again, (before he you know died), and we had Diego who was pretty much up in the air throughout this book. Do I like you, or should I hate you. Anyways, everything was all good and dandy until we meet Zara the, excuse my language, bitch who the gif is referring to. She is the most irritating character who is pretty much the shadowhunter equivalent to the stereotypical racist, homophobic, white person in real life. She talks about the relationship between Magnus and Alec, like she knows what she is talking about, and judging every single Downworlder when she is worst than them. God, I want her to burn, and suffer.

The four musketeers (Emma, Julian, Christina and Mark) adventure into fairy to rescue Kieran. So many truths were revealed throughout that adventure and I cannot believe the shit that went down. First we have the 'romance' between Emma and Mark being ended, we have a dosage of the chemistry between Christina and Mark. Julian sees a fairy, it looks like Emma, so we know Emma's plan nobody really expected to work, didn't, and Emma sees a fairy that transformed to look like her dead father. Hell, yeah that is crazy.

While that was going on, we would flicker back and forth with the fight between the centurions and the Institute, and Malcolm and his army of sea demons. Which, is when we discover that Jon is dead, and I lowkey never felt anything until I remembered who he was, whoops. Anyways, that is the scene that we see the Blackthorns going to the London Institute.

When the Blackthorns reunited I am pretty sure it was the light within the darkness, I mean we did have them talk about a whole lot of bad shit, but it was nice to see the family together. They also talk about how Malcolm killed Arthur, and then Annabelle killed Malcolm, honesty it happened way too fast in my view.

Oh, and the chemistry between Kieran, Mark and Christina? Oh my goodness I don't know what to ship, there is just so many possibilities for who gets with who and now you really want to see how everything goes down. And the dancing scene, gah so beautiful.

Magnus walks in on Emma and Julian after they had sex. Which for the record happened in The Mortal Instruments, with Clary and Jace, as well as in The Infernal Devices with Will and Tessa. He offers them to keep what he saw to himself, but pretty much warns them to drop whatever is going on between them. Which pretty much tells you how bad the whole scenario is.

I just need to talk about the ending. So Julian convinces Annabelle to talk to the Clave, which seems bond for disaster, which it did. She is forced to hold the Mortal Sword which is torture because of all the bad things that happened to her with said sword. And the Shadowhunters don't act like it was a bad thing, which is the most twisted idea, and it shows how much the Clave still needs to change. She freaks out and kills Robert Lightwood, which killed me when Alec found out. He was just getting closer to his father after everything. and during that Magnus is out since something is going on with the warlocks. Poor Alec. Then she stabs and kills Livvy, why she is just a kid, and her siblings were all there to watch it. I am never going to be over this.

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