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Writing Tag

So, I am trying to figure out a way to include all the aspects I am interested in, in the reading and writing areas. So with that I am going to be doing a writing tag, let us get into it.

1. A crazy hacker’s gone into your computer, and has deleted all of your music, except for one song off of your writing playlist. Which song is it?

Gah, I don't really have a particular writing playlist. I tend to listen to whatever it is, but one of the songs that remains me of my story is Warrior by Beth Crowley.

2. Your protagonist and antagonist have been paired up by friends to go out to lunch together. Where do they go?

They would probably go to one of those tiny restaurants that are located in small towns for tourist.

3. You’re crossing a bridge when the troll living under it stops you. He demands to read a chapter from your novel, and won’t let you cross otherwise. Which chapter do you give him?

I would read the prologue. Partly because it is the only chapter that I feel even a small bit comfortable reading.

4. Your friends have invited you out to a party. Surprise! All of your characters are there. Who do you choose to hang out with?

I would hang out with Ariana, who is the daughter of the Alpha, and is very elegant while being sassy.

5. Crap. You left your car keys in your house, and you’ve (somehow) locked yourself out. Which of your characters picks the lock for you?

I feel like Michael would be the only one who would have the skills and the patience to do it.

6. The zombie apocalypse is happening right now. (It sucks.) Everyone is fleeing the planet, and moving to Mars. ONE of your characters can go with you. Who do you choose?

I would chose to have my main character Cass, since she is a bad ass.

7. You’ve been given the opportunity to travel to one place (town, building, landmark, country) in your book. Where do you go?

Well I would have to say, Michael's and Rosette's home. It is probably the nicest place in the book.

8. You meet your main character and start a conversation with them. Problem is, you’ve only got six words or less to do so. What do you say?

Don't let your anger control you.

9. Crazy acid rain is falling from the sky. Which of your characters would you use as an umbrella?

Colton, he is such a dick, who doesn't deserve a merciful death.

10. You’re out at a restaurant with your main character, and the time has come to order dessert. What do you order for them?

I would order something with chocolate in it. Partly so that I won't remind her to much of her childhood, and not making anyone angry.

And, there is the tag. I hope you enjoy this post. My name is Kendra and I and out, peace!

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