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Valentine's Book Tag

I found this tag on TheBookishMonsters, blog from a year ago, and I an going to be doing it for my Valentine's week, random post. So, as a completely lonely human being, lets just get into the tag.


1. Favourite couple ever – you want to have their relationship!

I think I am going to say, Sizzy, I really like there relationship and how they always seem to not take each other's shit. Even with the events that follow The Mortal Instruments series and everything that was concluded in the Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, there is not really anything that could go wrong with this series.

2. Relationship that never happened – you wanted them to get together but they never did.

I am going to say something and I am not going to apologies. So I found some fanfictions for this ship and I read them and I love this ship now. It is Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. My favourite fanfiction is off of Wattpad called: Draconian.

3. Your ‘bookish’ crush.

This is a tie between Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter and Will Herondale from The Infernal Devices. Dude, I read Draconian so many times, there is nothing going to stop me from falling in love with Draco. And just read The Infernal Devices if you want a reason for Will.

4. Favourite feel-good romance.

I don't really have very many to chose from, but does books like The Fault in Our Stars by John Green or I don't actually know.

5. Favourite genre to add romance to.

I prefer romance to be a background thing for fantasy or action based novels. Not like in away that it overpowers the entire story line, but in a way it enhances it.


So here is the post, I hope you enjoyed this post, and I will try to do more tags in the future. Kendra is out, peace!

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