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Top 5 Wednesday: Book Trends You're Tired Of

So top 5 Wednesday for this week is book trends that I am tired of and I am going to be so honest about what I am going to say, I am hoping you all remember this is my opinions.

1. The continuous need for all YA books to feature a romance. I am down for a solid one, however I am someone who would dislike the romance depending on how it is.

2. The weak, helpless female main character. I don't want the main character to only be a badass when it helps more the plot along, if she is strong show it.

3. How so many book covers have a girl's face on it. You could have so many artistic covers to replace that.

4. The lack of diversity in religion, race, and sexuality in main characters and what not.

5. Main characters that seem to have the same personality at the beginning of every book (s).

There it is, Kendra is out, peace!

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